castor oil

[ˈkæstə ɔil]
  • 释义
  • 蓖麻油;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    She has gone to bed and had a dose of castor oil.


  • 2、

    Castor oil moves the bowels.


  • 3、

    The filament of castor oil plant synthesizes many bundles repeatedly, call much style stamen.

    蓖麻的花丝连合成多束, 称多体雄蕊.

  • 4、

    What do you get when you cross holy water with castor oil?


  • 5、

    As one of the renewable resources, the castor oil shows higher economic value.

    蓖麻油作为一种可再生资源, 具有较高工业经济价值.

  • 6、

    Effects of several kinds of acidic catalysts on castor oil dehydration have been explored.


  • 7、

    One was filled with kerosene, one with castor oil, and one with vinegar.

    一只瓶子装满煤油, 一只瓶子装满蓖麻油, 一只瓶子装满醋.

  • 8、

    The plant carboxylates and castor oil acid alkanolamide have a promising application for their simple processing.


  • 9、

    Castor oil is used for medicine.


  • 10、

    Many career experts tout failure as the castor oil of success.


  • 11、

    Advances in thermoplastic interpenetrating polymer networks and interpenetrating polymer networks based on castor oil are reviewed.


  • 12、

    In this experiment, castor oil was pyrolyzed in a stainless steel tubular reactor packed with catalyst.


  • 13、

    He filled a cup with kerosene, castor oil and vinegar.

    他往杯子里装满了煤油 、 蓖麻油和醋.

  • 14、

    The paper introduces the standard and application of sulphonated castor oil in industry.


  • 15、

    In an intradermal test , Sarnowiec ( 1934 ) used castor oil.


  • 16、

    They professor brought out three bottles, and filled them with oil, castor oil and vinegar.

    教授拿出了三个瓶子, 并装上油 、 麻油和醋.

  • 17、

    Check with your personal castor oil artist to see if you should be taking this medication.


  • 18、

    Doctor: Give him plenty of castor oil, and don't point him at anyone for 48 hours!

    医生: 让他多喝蓖麻油, 48小时内不要让他冲着任何人!

  • 19、

    One was filled with petrol, one castor oil and one with vinegar.

    一个瓶子装满汽油, 一个瓶子装满蓖麻油,还有一个(瓶子)装满醋.

  • 20、

    The critical solubility temperatures mass fractions of castor oil were measured with an improved experimental apparatus.


  • 21、

    Summer, and castor oil plant grows, and I generally high.

    夏天到了, 蓖麻长得和我一般高.

  • 22、

    One was filled with petrol, one with castor oil and one with vinegar.

    一个瓶子装满汽油, 一个瓶子装满蓖麻油,还有一个(子)满醋.
